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Black Wallpapers & Wall Murals

72 of 72 Murals

72 of 72 Murals

Black Wallpapers & Wall Murals

The colour black is associated with mystery, power, authority, grace, and charisma.Black wallpapers give the decoration a serious, professional and traditional look, and at the same time, offer a mysterious, sexy and sophisticated appearance. In interior design, black-weighted wallpapers causes a seemingly reduction in the space and are often used by decorators to createcharismatic and prestigious spaces. Black wallpapers work particularly well in living rooms, bedrooms or offices as they create an infinite space effect if used at a certain ratio. Use of black wallpapers to decorate a room or office can have an effect of increasing confidence in appearance, while it can help increasing the sense of potential and possibility. On the other hand, you should be careful since use of too much black can be overwhelming. Perhaps it would be a good idea to complement the look with wooden furnitures.